The ATL 2020 Top Law School Rankings (2024)

Law School Rankings

Most people attend law schoolto obtain jobs as lawyers.

Law school student loans are real, and they are huge, so you’d best have a plan to pay them off on the back end of your J.D. The economic upheaval caused by COVID-19 has supercharged the need to focus on employment data as the number 1 factor in picking a law school, and ATL has your back on this one. Check out our list for the law schools most likely to see you gainfully employed. After all, if you want to go to law school, you’re probably going to want a job when it’s over.

People these days are going to law school for so many good reasons. So many new law students are there because they want to “help”: they want to serve their community, or advocate their issues, or even defend the country. The feeling that good, honorable, and ethical lawyers are necessary for a well functioning Democracy is more alive now than ever before.

Of course, good intentions plus two dollars will buy you a soda. Enrollment is up at law schools, but the cost is not coming down. Even the very best of intentions rarely survive unemployment and crushing debt.

Which law schools are putting their graduates in a position to get jobs? And which ones are leaving their students with little more than a diploma and a dream?

  • Introduction
  • Methodology
  • 2020 Rankings
  • 2019
  • 2018
  • 2017
  • 2016

We welcome you to the eighth annual installment of the Above the Law Top 50 Law School Rankings. These are the only rankings to incorporate the latest ABA employment data concerning the class of 2019. The premise underlying our approach to ranking schools remains the same: Given the steep cost of law school and the harsh realities of the legal job market, potential students should prioritize their future employment prospects over all other factors in deciding whether and where to attend law school. The relative quality of schools is a function of how they deliver on the promise of gainful legal employment.

Our list is limited to 50 schools. We want to look at "national" schools, the ones with quality employment prospects both outside of their particular region and for graduates who don’t graduate at the top of the class.

The ATL Top 50 Law School Rankings keep an exclusive focus on the only thing that really matters: outcomes.

Enjoy the rankings, but please use them responsibly.

The ATL 2020 Top Law School Rankings (1)

Largest and Most Diverse Class in a Decade at UNH Franklin Pierce School of Law

Students hail from across the country; from Maine to California and Florida to Washington. The Class of 2023 comes from every corner of the United States.

Learn More

How do law schools fare when assessed using this outcomes-based methodology?

2020RankSchool2019 RankChangeScore
2U Chicago3175.99
3U Virginia1-275.66
4U Michigan Ann Arbor8472.94
5U Penn (Carey)7272.2
6Stanford6No change69.92
10Northwestern (Pritzker)4-668.61
13UC Berkeley14165.83
14Washington University in St. Louis15165.53
15U Texas Austin12-364.73
16U Notre Dame20463.5
18U Georgia19161.97
19U Illinois Urbana Champaign25661.33
20U Iowa21160.48
22Boston College31955.9
23Boston University27455.82
24U Florida (Levin)30655.79
25U Minnesota29454.96
27Washington and Lee University22-554.35
28USC (Gould)482054.27
29U Alabama461753.51
30U Wisconsin Madison37752.66
31U Oklahoma441351.03
33Wake ForestN/A49.7
34Ohio State (Moritz)26-849.18
36U North Carolina (Chapel Hill)17-1948.99
37Temple (Beasley)43648.89
38Southern Methodist University (Dedman)491148.77
39U Kentucky24-1548.51
40Indiana U Bloomington (Maurer)40047.8
41U Tennessee (Knoxville)N/A47.7
42William & Mary24-1847.17
43Saint Louis UniversityN/A46.65
44Seton Hall35-945.6
45Florida State47245.41
46U Colorado (Boulder)50445.11
47Brigham Young33-1444.4
48St. John's UniversityN/A44.1
49U Nebraska (Lincoln)36-1344.06

The ATL 2020 Top Law School Rankings (2)

The ATL 2020 Top Law School Rankings (3)

We prioritize employment outcomes above all else in comparing law schools. Therefore, these are the components of our rankings methodology:

The ATL 2020 Top Law School Rankings (4)

Some further notes on methodology

Quality jobs score (35%)

This measures the schools’ success at placing students on career paths that best enable them to pay off their student debts. We’ve combined placement with the country’s largest and best-paying law firms and the percentage of graduates embarking on federal judicial clerkships. These clerkships typically lead to a broader and enhanced range of employment opportunities.

Employment score (30%)

We only counted full-time, long-term jobs requiring bar passage (excluding solos and school-funded positions). Look, we know that there are some great non-lawyer jobs out there for which a J.D. is an “advantage.” It's not as if these jobs don't count, it's that they can't be compared in a meaningful way. The definition of "J.D. Advantage" changes from year to year and is based on a self-reported metric that defies independent third-party verification. One school's apples are another school's oranges, but we're not going to count lemons. (Early access to data courtesy of Law School Transparency.)

Education cost (15%)

Solid data on individual law student educational debt is hard to come by. Published averages exist, but the crucial number,the amount of non-dischargeable, government-funded or guaranteed educational loan debt, is not available. So as a proxy for indebtedness, we’ve scored schools based on total cost. (Data courtesy of Law School Transparency.)

Debt-per-job ratio (10%)

This is a comparison between the indebtedness of a school’s graduates to the number of actual legal jobs they obtain.

SCOTUS clerk & Federal judgeship scores (5% each)

Though obviously applicable to very different stages of legal careers, these two categories represent the pinnacles of the profession. For the purposes of these rankings, we simply looked at a school's graduates as a percentage of (1) all U.S. Supreme Court clerks (since 2013) and (2) currently sitting Article III judges. Both scores are adjusted for the size of the school. Obviously, we are aware that for the vast majority of students, Supreme Court clerkships or the federal bench are simply not prospects. But for the students who do want to be judges and academics, this outcome represents a useful separating factor for the most elite schools. Some schools put you in robes, others can't.

×The ATL 2020 Top Law School Rankings (5)

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The ATL 2020 Top Law School Rankings (2024)


What is the number 1 law school in GA? ›

According to its ranking, programs, tuition costs, and graduate employment rates, the University of Georgia is the best law school in Georgia.

Does going to a top 14 law school matter? ›

With an oversaturation of lawyers, employees pick T14 graduates over other graduates, assuming these top-ranked programs produce the most qualified and successful lawyers. For those interested in joining Biglaw, admission to a T14 school is likely your best chance to fulfill this goal.

What LSAT score do you need for top 10 law schools? ›

2. What LSAT Score Do You Need for the Top 10 Law Schools? To get into a top 10 law school, you need an LSAT score of 170 or higher due to the increased competitiveness of applicants.

What is the best (# 1 law school in the US? ›

What are the Tier 1 Law Schools?
  • Yale Law School (always #1)
  • Stanford Law School (#2–3)
  • Harvard Law School (#2–4)
  • University of Chicago Law School (#3–5)
  • Columbia Law School (#4–5)
  • New York University School of Law (#5–6)
  • University of California Berkeley Law School (#6–9)
  • University of Pennsylvania Law School (#7–8)

What is the easiest law school to get into in Georgia? ›

The law school in Georgia with the highest acceptance rate is Atlanta's John Marshall Law School. Atlanta's John Marshall Law School has a high acceptance rate of 47.6%, indicating a more inclusive admissions procedure than other law schools in Georgia.

What LSAT score do I need for Emory? ›

The 1L class at Emory University has a median LSAT of 166. The 25th percentile LSAT is 161 and the 75th percentile LSAT is 168. The median GPA is 3.82. The 25th percentile GPA is 3.62 and the 75th percentile GPA is 3.93.

Is 136 a bad LSAT score? ›

What a Low LSAT Score Means. If your LSAT score is in the 130s or low 140s, it's very hard to find an ABA law school anywhere in the US that will offer you unrestricted acceptance (especially in the increasingly competitive environment).

Is 167 a bad LSAT score? ›

You don't have to be perfect to do well on the LSAT. On a typical LSAT, you can still get around 18–19 questions wrong and still end up in the 160s—or around 10–12 wrong and get a 167, which is a 90th percentile score. Even a perfect score of 180 often allows you to miss a question or two.

What is the lowest LSAT score accepted by Harvard? ›

With that said, you will realistically need to score 168 or above on the LSAT in order to give yourself a chance of being admitted into Harvard Law School. Of course, there are always exceptions, especially if the other aspects of your application are remarkable.

What are the big 3 law schools? ›

While Yale, Harvard, and Stanford have historically clustered at the top of the list, Harvard was recently replaced by the University of Chicago in the third place spot.

Which college sends the most students to law school? ›

Top Law School Feeder Programs
College NameStudents in a Top JD Program#1 Destination of Graduates
Yale3,079Harvard Law School
Amherst College685Georgetown University Law Center
Harvard3,651Harvard law School
Princeton1,918Harvard Law School
26 more rows
Apr 29, 2024

Is Emory a top law school? ›

Emory University 2024 Law Program & Specialties Rankings

Emory University is ranked No. 42 (tie) out of 196 in Best Law Schools.

Is UGA a Tier 1 law school? ›

University of Georgia 2024 Law Program & Specialties Rankings. University of Georgia is ranked No. 20 (tie) out of 196 in Best Law Schools.

What ranking is Stetson law school? ›

Stetson University 2024 Law Program & Specialties Rankings

Stetson University is ranked No. 98 (tie) out of 196 in Best Law Schools and No. 30 out of 68 in Part-time Law. Schools were assessed on their performance across a set of widely accepted indicators of excellence.

What LSAT score do I need for UGA? ›

The 1L class at University of Georgia has a median LSAT of 169. The 25th percentile LSAT is 159 and the 75th percentile LSAT is 170. The median GPA is 3.83. The 25th percentile GPA is 3.56 and the 75th percentile GPA is 3.95.

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Name: Van Hayes

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Introduction: My name is Van Hayes, I am a thankful, friendly, smiling, calm, powerful, fine, enthusiastic person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.