Table of Precedence – Jamaica Information Service (2024)

(as prescribed by the Proposed Table of Precedence of 2007)

  1. The Governor-General– His Excellency The Most

Honourable Sir Patrick Allen, ON, GCMG, CD, KSt.J

2. Prime Minister

The Most Honourable Andrew Holness, ON, PC, MP

3. Deputy Prime Minister

Honourable Dr Horace Chang, CD, MP

Leader of the Opposition –Mr Mark Golding, MP

4. Members of the Cabinet(1)

President of the Senate

Senator the Honourable Thomas Tavares-Finson, OJ, CD, KC, JP

Speaker of the House of Representatives

The Most Honourable Juliet Holness, MP

5. Former Governors-General

The Most Honourable Professor Sir Kenneth Hall,


Former Prime Ministers

The Most Honourable Portia Simpson Miller, ON

Mr Orette Bruce Golding

The Most Honourable Percival James Patterson,


6. Chief Justice

The Honourable Mr Justice Bryan Sykes, OJ, CD

President of the Court of Appeal

The Honourable Mr Justice Patrick Brooks, OJ, CD

7. Ministers of State(2)

8. President of Jamaica Council of Churches

Bishop the Rev’d Christine Gooden Benguche, OD

9. Widows/Widowers of National Heroes

Widows/Widowers of Former Governors-General

Widows /Widowers of Former Heads of Government

The Most Honourable Mrs Hugh Shearer

The Most Honourable Mrs Michael Manley

The Most Honourable Mrs Edward Seaga

10. Attorney-General

Dr. Derrick McKoy, CD, KC

11. Cabinet Secretary (Head of the Civil Service)

Honourable Audrey V. Sewell, OJ, CD, JP

12. Head of the Foreign Service

Ambassador Sheila Sealy-Monteith, CD, JP

Dean of the Diplomatic Corps

His Excellency Lasford Douglas[Republic of Panama]

High Commissioners & Ambassadors (3)

Head of Delegation of the European Union

Her ExcellencyMs Marianne Van Steen

Secretary-General of the International Seabed Authority

His Excellency Michael Lodge

13. Members of the Privy Council (4)

14. Deputy Speaker of the House of Representatives

Mr Heroy Anthony Clarke, MP

Parliamentary Secretaries(5)

Senator Abka Fitz-Henley

15. Members of the Senate(6)

Members of the House of Parliament (7)

16. Judges of the Court of Appeal (8)

Judges of the Supreme Court(9)

17. Chairman of the Public Service Commission

Mrs Patricia Sinclair McCalla, CD

Financial Secretary

Miss Darlene Morrison, CD

Permanent Secretaries(10)

Solicitor General

Mrs Marlene Aldred, KC

Governor of the Bank of Jamaica

Mr Richard Byles

Auditor General

Mrs Pamela Monroe Ellis

Director of Public Prosecutions

Miss Paula Llewelyn, CD, KC

18. Chief of Defence Staff, Jamaica Defence Force

Rear Admiral Antonette Wemyss-Gorman, CD, JP, psc

Commissioner of Police

Dr. Kevin Blake, OD

19. Mayors and Chairmen of Parish Councils(11)

Except on municipal occasions when they take

precedence immediately after the Prime Minister

20. Custodes of Parishes(12)

except on formal Occasions (other than municipal

occasions) in their own parishes when they take

precedence as representatives of The


21. Chief of State Protocol

Ambassador Sandra Grant Griffiths, CD, JP

Resident Representative/Resident Coordinator of the

UnitedNations Development Programme

Mr Bruno Pouezat

Heads of Offices of International Organisations (13)

Consuls-General (14)

Members of the Consular Corps(15)

22. Vice-Chancellor of the University of the West


Professor Sir Hilary Beckles

President of the University of Technology

Dr. Kevin Brown

23. Chairmenof political parties having

representation in Parliament

General Secretaries of political parties having

representation in Parliament

24. Holders of Jamaican National Honours

Order of Merit and Order of Jamaica

Members of the Cabinet(1)

The Most Honourable Andrew Holness, ON, PC, MP

Honourable Dr Horace Chang, CD, MP

Dr the Honourable Nigel Clarke, MP

Senator the Honourable Kamina Johnson Smith

The Honourable Olivia Grange, OJ, CD, MP

Honourable Edmund Bartlett, CD, MP

Dr the Honourable Christopher Tufton, MP

Honourable Desmond McKenzie, CD, MP

Honourable Delroy Chuck, KC, MP

Honourable Fayval Williams, MP

Honourable Pearnel Charles Jr, MP

Honourable Daryl Vaz, MP

Senator the Honourable Aubyn Hill

Honourable Marlene Malahoo Forte, KC, MP, JP

Honourable Floyd Green, MP

Senator the Honourable Matthew Samuda

Honourable Robert Morgan, MP, JP

Senator Dr. the Honourable Dana Morris Dixon

Ministers of State(2)

Honourable Homer Davis, CD, MP

Honourable Juliet Cuthbert Flynn, OD, MP

Honourable Zavia Mayne, MP

Honourable Alando Terrelonge, MP, JP

Honourable Marsha Smith, MP

Dr the Honourable Norman Dunn, BH{M}, MP

Honourable J C Hutchinson, CD, MP

Honourable Franklin Witter, MP

High Commissioners/Ambassadors/Charge D’Affaires (3)

His Excellency Lasford Douglas[Republic of Panama]

His Excellency Juan Gonzalez Mijares [United Mexican States]

Her Excellency Lumka E. Yengeni[Republic of South Africa]

His Excellency Deryck Lance Murray[Rep of Trinidad and Tobago]

His Excellency Diego Bermejo Romero De Terreros[Kingdom of Spain]

Her Excellency Emina Tudakovic[Canada]

Her Excellency Angie Shakira Martinez [Dominican Republic]

His Excellency Sergey Petrovich [Russian Federation]

Her Excellency Ms Judith Slater[The United Kingdom]

Her Excellency Elza Moreira Marcelino Castro[The Federative Republic of Brazil]

His Excellency Olivier Guyonvarch[The French Republic]

His Excellency Fermin Gabriel Quinones Sanchez[Republic of Cuba]

His Excellency Noah Nickolas Perry[United States of America]

His Excellency Daojiang Chen[The People’s Republic of China]

Mr Jan Hendrik Van Thiel[The Federal Republic of Germany]

His Excellency Yasuhiro Atsumi[Japan]

His Excellency Jose Antonio Cabedo Espinosa[The Republic of Chile]

His Excellency Emiliana Bernard Stephenson[The Republic of Colombia]

His Excellency Ellen De Geest[The Kingdom of Belgium]

His Excellency Marcelo Angel Balbi Calvo[The Argentine Republic

Charges d’Affaires

Mr Jose Antonio Sánchez-Vegas Tortoza[The Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela]

Mr Jose David Sanchez Cedeno[The Republic of Costa Rica]

Mr Jin-Wook Kim [The Republic of Korea]

Mr Tajudeen Epo Abdulkadir[The Federal Republic of Nigeria]

[Republic of India]

Members of the Privy Council(4)

The Honourable Mrs Justice (Ret’d) Zaila McCalla, OJ

The Honourable Douglas Orane, CD

The Honourable Mr Justice Ferdinand Smith, CD

The Honourable Geoffrey Madden, CD, LVO

The Honourable Dr Eileen Boxhill, CD, KC

Parliamentary Secretary (5)

Senator Abka Fitz-Henley

Members of the Senate(6)


Senator the Hon Thomas Tavares-Finson, OJ, CD, KC, JP – President

Senator Charles Sinclair, OD- Deputy President

Senator the Honourable Aubyn Hill

Senator the Honourable Kamina Johnson Smith

Senator Dr. the Honourable Dana Morris Dixon

Senator the Honourable Matthew Samuda

Senator Councillor Delroy Williams, CD

Senator Ransford Braham, CD, KC

Senator Kavan Gayle, CD

Senator Don Wehby, CD

Senator Dr Saphire Longmore-Dropinski

Senator Abka Fitz-Henley

Senator Sherene Golding Campbell


Senator Dr Floyd Morris

Senator Lambert Brown, CD

Senator Damion Crawford

Senator Sophia Frazer-Binns

Senator Donna Scott-Mottley

Senator Janice Allen

Senator Gabriela Morris

Senator Peter Bunting

Members of the Houses of Parliament(7)


The Most Honourable Andrew Holness, ON, PC, MP

Honourable Edmund Bartlett, CD, MP

Mr Dave Hume Brown, MP

Honourable Dr Horace Chang, CD, MP

Honourable Pearnel Charles, Jr, MP

Honourable Delroy Chuck, KC, MP

Mr Heroy Anthony Clarke, MP

Dr the Honourable Nigel Clarke, MP

Honourable Juliet Cuthbert Flynn, OD, MP

Honourable Dr Norman Dunn, BH{M}, MP

Honourable Olivia ‘Babsy’ Grange, OJ, CD, MP

Honourable Floyd Green, MP

Honourable Lester ‘Mike’ Henry, OJ, CD, MP

The Most Hon Mrs Juliet Holness, MP

Honourable William J C Hutchinson, CD, MP

Honourable Marlene Malahoo Forte, KC, MP

Honourable Zavia Mayne, MP

Honourable Desmond McKenzie, CD, MP

Mr Robert Montague, CD, MP

Honourable Robert Morgan, MP

Miss Kerensia Morrison, MP

Mr James Robertson, MP

Honourable Karl Samuda, OJ, CD, MP

Honourable Audley Shaw, OJ, CD, MP

Honourable Alando Terrelonge, MP

Dr the Honourable Christopher Tufton, MP

Mrs Ann-Marie Vaz, MP

Honourable Daryl Vaz, MP

Mr Clifford Everald Warmington, CD, MP

Dr Andrew Wheatley, MP

Honourable Fayval Williams, MP

Honourable Franklin Witter, MP

Dr Michelle Charles, MP

Miss Rhoda Crawford, MP

Miss Tamika Davis, MP

Honourable Marsha Smith, MP

Miss Krystal Lee, MP

Miss Tova Hamilton, MP

Mr Robert Miller, MP

Mr Delroy Slowley, MP

Honourable Homer Davis, CD, MP

Mr Morland Wilson, MP

Mr Donovan Williams, MP

Mr Robert Chin, MP

Mr Dwight Sibblies, MP

Mr Phillip Henriques, CD, MP

Mr Daniel Lawrence, MP

Members of the Houses of Parliament(7)(cont’d)


Mr Mark Golding, MP – Leader of the Opposition

Dr the Honourable Peter Phillips, OJ, MP

Dr Angela Brown-Burke, MP

Miss Denise Daley, MP

Dr Morais Guy, CD, MP

Ms Lisa Hanna, MP

Mr G. Anthony Hylton, CD, MP

Mr Fitz Jackson, CD, MP

Mrs Natalie Neita Garvey, MP

Mr Phillip Paulwell, CD, MP

Mr Mikael Phillips, MP

Mr Julian Robinson, MP

Mr Hugh Graham, MP

Mr Lothan Cousins, MP

Mr George Wright, MP

Judges of the Court of Appeal(8)

The Honourable Mr Justice Patrick Brooks, OJ, CD


The Honourable Mrs Justice Marva McDonald-Bishop, CD (Actg)

The Honourable Mrs Justice Almarie Sinclair-Haynes, CD

The Honourable Mr Justice Frank Williams, CD

The Honourable Miss Justice Paulette Williams, CD

The Honourable Miss Justice Jennifer Straw, CD

The Honourable Miss Justice Carol Edwards, CD

The Honourable Mrs Justice Nicole Foster-Pusey, CD, KC

The Honourable Mr Justice David Fraser

The Honourable Miss Justice Nicole Simmons, CD

The Honourable Mrs Justice Vivene Harris, CD

The Honourable Mrs Justice Marcia Dunbar-Green, CD

The Honourable Mr Justice Evan Brown

The Honourable Mrs Justice Georgiana Fraser (actg)

The Honourable Mr Justice Kissock Laing (actg)

Judges of the Supreme Court(9)

The Honourable Mr Justice Bryan Sykes, OJ, CD – Chief Justice

SeniorPuisne Judge

The Honourable Mrs Justice Carol Lawrence-Beswick, CD

Puisne Judges

The Honourable Mr Justice Andrew Rattray, CD

The Honourable Mr Justice Courtney Daye, CD

The Honourable Mr Justice Leighton Pusey, CD

The Honourable Miss Justice Christine McDonald, CD

The Honourable Mr Justice Martin Gayle, CD

The Honourable Mr Justice Bertram Morrison

The Honourable Mrs Justice Sarah Thompson-James, CD

The Honourable Mr Justice Kirk Anderson

The Honourable Mr Justice David Batts

The Honourable Mrs Justice Sharon George-Smith

The Honourable Mrs Justice Audre Lindo

The Honourable Miss Justice Cresencia Brown Beckford

The Honourable Mrs Justice Lorna Shelly-Williams

The Honourable Mr Justice Chester Stamp

The Honourable Mrs Justice Vinette Graham-Allen

The Honourable Mrs Justice Sonia Bertram-Linton

The Honourable Mr Justice Dale Palmer

The Honourable Miss Justice Carolyn Tie

The Honourable Mrs Justice Stephane Jackson-Haisley

The Honourable Mrs Justice Sonya Wint-Blair

The Honourable Mrs Justice Lisa Palmer-Hamilton

The Honourable Miss Justice Andrea Thomas

The Honourable Miss Justice Judith Pusey

The Honourable Miss Justice Yvonne Brown

The Honourable Mrs Justice Pettigrew-Collins

The Honourable Miss Justice Calys Wiltshire

The Honourable Mrs Justice Simone Wolfe-Reece

The Honourable Miss Justice Annmarie Nembhard

The Honourable Mrs Justice Grace Henry-McKenzie

The Honourable Miss Justice Tricia Hutchinson

The Honourable Miss Justice Carole Barnaby

The Honourable Mr Justice Vaughn Smith

The Honourable Ms Justice Tara Carr

The Honourable Mrs Justice Icolin Reid

The Honourable Mrs Natalie Hart-Hines

The Honourable Mrs Tania Mott Tulloch-Reid

The Honourable Mrs Justice Annmarie Lawrence-Grainger (Ag)

The Honourable Mrs Justice Sandria Wong-Small (Ag)

The Honourable Miss Justice Pamela Mason (Ag)

The Honourable Miss Justice Stephany Orr (Ag)

The Honourable Miss Justice Althea Jarrett (Ag.)

The Honourable Miss Justice Maxine Jackson (Ag)

The Honourable Miss Justice Sheron Barnes (Ag)

The Honourable Miss Justice Opal Smith (Ag)

The Honourable Mr. Justice Dale Staple (Ag)


Miss Rosemarie Harris

Miss Pamela Mason/Acting PJ

Her Honouarable Miss Stephany Orr/Acting PJ

Mrs Kamar Anderson

Miss Sherna Reid (Ag.)

Miss Heather Carnegie (Ag.)

Miss Carla Thomas (Ag)

Miss Tamara Dickens (Ag.)


Mrs. Nicole Walters-Wellington

Miss Kayann Anguin

Miss Comnore Bennett – Commercial

Miss Tamsyn Bailey (Ag.) – Criminal

Miss Lorna Green (Ag.) – Revenue

Permanent Secretaries(10)

The Honourable Audrey V. Sewell, OJ, CD, JP – Cabinet Secretary [OoC]

Ambassador Rocky Meade, CD, JP, PhD

Ambassador Sheila Sealy Monteith, CD, JP [MFAFT]

Miss Darlene Morrison, CD – Financial Secretary [MFPS]

MrsSancia Bennett Templer [MIIC]

Mrs Jennifer Griffith, CD, JP [MOT]

Mrs Marsha Henry-Martin [MLGCD]

Mrs Colette Roberts Risden, CD [MLSS]

Mrs Carol Palmer, CD, JP [MSETT]

Mr Denzil Thorpe[MCGES]

Mr Dermon Spence [MAFM]

Mr Dunstan Bryan[MOHW]

Ambassador Alison Stone Roofe [MNS]

Dr. Kasan Troupe, JP [MOEY]

Mrs Grace Ann Stewart McFarlane[MOJ]

Mr Wayne Robertson[MLCA]

Mrs Arlene Williams[MEGCC]

Supernumerary Permanent Secretary

Mr Dean-Roy Bernard[MCGES]


His Worship the Mayor CouncillorAndrew Swaby

(Kingston & St Andrew)

His Worship the Mayor Councillor Joel Williams (Clarendon)

His Worship the Mayor Councillor Michael Belnavis (St Ann)

His Worship the Mayor Councillor Richard Solomon (St Elizabeth)

His Worship the Mayor Councillor Fitzroy Wilson (St Mary)

His Worship the Mayor Councillor Richard Vernon (St James)

His Worship the Mayor Councillor Louis Chin (St Thomas)

His Worship the Mayor Councillor Sheridan Samuels (Hanover)

His Worship the Mayor Councilor Danree Delancy, (Westmoreland)

His Worship the Mayor Councillor Donovan Anthony Mitchell


His Worship the Mayor Councillor Norman Scott (St Catherine)

His Worship the Mayor Councillor Leon Thomas


His Worship the Mayor Councillor Collen Gager (Trelawny)

His Worship the Mayor Councillor Paul Thompson (Portland)


The Honourable Marcia Bennett, CD, JP [St Thomas]

The Honourable Dr David Stair, CD, JP [Hanover]

The Honourable Steadman Fuller, CD, JP [Kingston]

The Very Reverend Canon the Honourable

Hartley Perrin, CD, JP [Westmoreland]

The Honourable Lincoln Anthony Thaxter, CD, JP [Portland] The Honourable Norma Walters, CD, JP [St Ann]

The Honourable Beryl Rochester, CD, JP [St Elizabeth]

Lt Col the Honourable Errol Johnson, CD, JP [St Mary]

Bishop The Honourable Conrad Pitkin, CD, JP [St James]

The Honourable Garfield Green, CD, JP [Manchester]

The Honourable Hugh Gentles, CD, JP [Trelawny]

The Honourable Icylin Golding, CD, JP [St Catherine]

The Honourable Ian Forbes, CD, JP[St Andrew]

The Honourable Edith Chin, JP [Clarendon]

Heads of International Organizations(13)

Mr Michael Lodge[ISA]

Mr Dennis Zulu[UNCT]

Mr Kishan Khoday [UNDP]

Dr Anna Paolini [UNESCO]

Mr Vincent Sweeney [UNEP]

Mrs Elizabeth Talbert [UNFPA]

Ms Olga Isaza [UNICEF]

Dr Richard Amenyah [UNAIDS]

Dr Jaidev Singh[USAID]

Mr Regis Chapman[UNWFP]

Ms Lilia Burunciuc[WORLD BANK]

Ms Ronke Ogunsulire [IFC]

Mrs Stacey Ann Clarke [IOM]

Mr Alexis Bonte [FAO]

Mr Anton Edmunds [IDB]

Dr Elizabeth Johnson [IICA]

Mrs Jeannelle van Glaanenweygel [OAS]

Mrs Dionne Clarke-Harris [CARDI]

Mr Alex Gainer [USAID]

Dr Eduardo Ali [CXC]

Ambassador Wayne McCook [OTN]

Mr Ian Stein [PAHO/WHO]

Members – Consuls-General and Consular Corps(14)

Mr Robert Scott [Latvia](Dean)

Ms Majory Lesa Kennedy [Australia]

Mr Josef Forstmayr, OD [Austria]

Mrs Alveta Knight[Bahamas]

Mr Michael Subratie [Bangladesh]

Mr Winston Bayley [Barbados]

Mrs Elecif Arthurs [Belize]

Mr James Goren[Brazil]

Mr James Joseph [Czech Republic]

Mrs Lisa McGreggor Johnston [Costa Rica]

Mr John C Ramson [Denmark]

Mrs Clelia Barreto De Hunter [Ecuador]

Mrs Yodit Hylton[Ethiopia]

Mr Andrew Issa [Finland]

Mrs Sophia Grizzle Roumel [France]

Mr George Kontogeorgis [Greece]

Mr Kenneth Sylvester[Grenada]

Ms Anaitee Mills Godoy[Guatemala]

Mrs Indera Persaud [Guyana]

Mr Laszlo Bakon [Hungary]


Dr Michael Banbury [Indonesia]

Mr Brian Denning[Ireland]

Mr Kenneth A.C. Henriques [Israel]

Ms Cecilia De Santis [Italy]

Mr Joseph George Handal [Jordon]

Mr Douglas Neil Gore[South Korea]

Mr Joseph Issa, OD[Malta]

Rear Admiral Peter Brady, CD,[Monaco]

Prof the Hon Dr Errol Morrison, OJ, [Namibia]

Mr Christian Tavares-Finson [Netherlands]

Senator Don Wehby, CD[New Zealand]

Mr Andrew Richard Issa [Norway]

Mr Keith Russell [Philippines]

Mrs Irena Cousins [Poland]

Mr Paul Anthony Issa [Portugal]

Ms Nicole Foga[Romania]

Mrs Rodina Reid[St. Kitts and Nevis]

Ms June P. Barbour[St. Vincent and the Grenadine]

Honourable John Issa, OJ, CD [Serbia]

Dr Rosalea Hamilton[Sierra Leone]

Mr Christopher Issa [Slovakia]

Mrs Tamara Hill [Sri Lanka]

Mrs Sandra Glasgow [Suriname]

Mr Peter Goldson [Sweden]

Mr Ueli Bangerter [Switzerland]

Professor Ishenkumba A. Kahwa, CD, PhD[Tanzania]

Mr Michael Lyn [Thailand]

Mr Arnold James Lowell Foote [Turkey]

Honourable Jasmine Sappleton[Uruguay]

Consular Agents(15)

Mrs Lillian Crichton [Canada]

Mrs Yolanda Ensignia Saez [Chile]

Mrs Paola Pereyra Byles [Peru]

Mr Kishin Samtani[South Korea]

Miss Myrtle Dwyer [Spain]

Mrs Lisa Gallimore Hyde [USA]

Table of Precedence – Jamaica Information Service (2024)
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Author: Rev. Leonie Wyman

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Author information

Name: Rev. Leonie Wyman

Birthday: 1993-07-01

Address: Suite 763 6272 Lang Bypass, New Xochitlport, VT 72704-3308

Phone: +22014484519944

Job: Banking Officer

Hobby: Sailing, Gaming, Basketball, Calligraphy, Mycology, Astronomy, Juggling

Introduction: My name is Rev. Leonie Wyman, I am a colorful, tasty, splendid, fair, witty, gorgeous, splendid person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.