Shopping Service for Immigrants - resumes / job wanted - craigslist (2024)

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Foreigners and visitors love to come to America, look inside a Wal-Mart, and talk about how terrible the bread is in America. If you are from Europe, I can DEFINITELY find a bread for you! You have tasted or read the ingredients of every brand you found in WalMart, and it is all terrible and now you eat only vegetables. Probably not, but even if you do I can definitely find good food for you! America has entire organizations dedicated to avoiding the non-food that you think is American - and I study with them. You can tell me that you are looking for specific things like the bread, or you can tell me that 90% of the food you found in American stores is terrible even the eggs and milk are so bad, how is that possible?! Or you can tell me that the Frosted Flakes are fine for you, but there is a specific common type of item of which you can't find the right one. Are you from Mexico or rural China and all of the fruits and vegetables taste wrong? I can solve that problem too! (For fruits and vegetables, a poor person can't get them, though, because you have to buy a large amount at the same time. However, for some things, a very poor person can get them using America's great discount systems!)

I can go to the store with you and find the good bread from the 50 brands that you see, you probably gave up after looking at 15 brands. Did you know that all 15 of those brands were probably owned by the same giant corporation? If there are zero acceptable brands, it's because you're in the wrong store! I will probably go to American stores, but stores for your country might exist too.

Do you prefer to shop at 2 a.m.? I know which store is open, we will go there and look for specific brands. But of course we can not find certain types of stores. If you want to go shopping at 2 a.m., I am available if you pick me up near my house. Or if I stay in your house (with Internet) before and/or after to wait for the buses from the area.

If you are looking for a specific type of recipe, such as Indian Dahl, pre-made in a grocery store, I might not know about that. It depends on the country and even whether I personally know what it is. If you want a vegetable that you think isn't sold in America, I might be able to find it, or might not. But if you think that bread in America, beer in America, cookies in America, noodles in America, frozen recipes in America, aren't good enough. The chips and cakes are all too salty and too much sugar to eat. The noodles are only made from wheat, where is the rice noodles? I'm not looking for a specific recipe in frozen meals, I just want something that has spices and vegetables in it instead of ingredients that don't make sense and things that taste very bland! I can definitely find it all for you!

An example of someone I can definitely teach is Feli from Germany (YouTuber). After being in America for a large portion of 9 years, she still didn't find a lot of things and she likely believes that all Americans eat products from Kraft brand!

I will go with you to the store and shop with you for $50. When you email me you will tell me some things you can't find, or maybe it's everything. We can go to different stores with you driving. (Unless you live in an area where many people don't drive.) If it was not extremely difficult for me to get to the location, I will shop with you a second time also, if you need to.

Required from you:
-The individual who is shopping with me must be able to read English, or use translation.
-You may be required to have a phone tablet I use to talk with you. Because I do not own a phone now. I can hear you when you speak, so I should hold the phone unless you bring a second one for me to hold.
-You are not allowed to wear perfume, use perfume in your laundry, wear scented lotion, use "air freshener" in your car, and similar things, including incense. I am extremely allergic to these things. (I am not allergic to essential oils, but some brands are contaminated. Nature's Truth brand and Aura Cacia brand are fine.)
-I cannot enter the city of Chicago. The reason I cannot enter is because of the perfume. If you live in Chicago, but want to shop with me somewhere else, it might be useful to you because you can look for locations of that store in Chicago. This might include other cities that are similar.
-You are required to tell me what country you are from. The people from some countries are looking for different things then another country. In the case of vegetables, for example, maybe I already know the name of your vegetables... sure we have it, but it's a different name here even after translation, perhaps.

About me:
-I am natively American
-I am approximately 40 years old
-I am white
-My personality is a geek. That's a personality about video games and wizards and a lot of things that go with it. But, it is not an otaku - we don't have an English word for that and that is not part of geek culture in English.
-I have studied nutrition for more than 10 years and I would like to get a degree of "Nutritional Therapy Practitioner". The things that I studied in nutrition are not compatible with what the American government says.
-I like heavy metal music. (I also like a lot of other music, except for millennial/Gen Z music. But if you like regular metal (not death metal), we will have a cultural commonality.)

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post id: 7780831885


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Shopping Service for Immigrants - resumes / job wanted - craigslist (2024)
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Name: Madonna Wisozk

Birthday: 2001-02-23

Address: 656 Gerhold Summit, Sidneyberg, FL 78179-2512

Phone: +6742282696652

Job: Customer Banking Liaison

Hobby: Flower arranging, Yo-yoing, Tai chi, Rowing, Macrame, Urban exploration, Knife making

Introduction: My name is Madonna Wisozk, I am a attractive, healthy, thoughtful, faithful, open, vivacious, zany person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.